
A new GS 12SQ was installed to replace an old, fire-prone unit.
Héroux-Devtek is a globally active company serving aerospace markets with eight production facilities in North America. They are a long-trusted landing gear supplier to producers of aircraft worldwide.
A locally made dust collector was venting a steel deburring workstation in a dedicated room. The company also has a room for work with tin and aluminum. The grinding at the deburring workstation in the steel room created metal debris and sparks. The locally made collector did not have a spark arrestor installed, which led to frequent fires in the collector.
Héroux-Devtek installed baffles in an attempt to prevent the sparks from igniting fires. “Nothing seemed to help in the end,” explained the facility‘s maintenance and facilities supervisor. “We couldn’t keep our maintenance guys away. Every now and again, it would create a spark that we just couldn’t help.” A fire eventually destroyed the unit and filters inside.
Héroux-Devtek began searching for a new collector. “I just looked on the web,” the supervisor explained. “I had three in mind…two of them, actually, were locally made. I just liked the way the Gold Series® industrial dust collector seemed far superior and I went with that one.” A GS 12SQ was purchased and installed along with 12 HemiPleat® Gold Cone filters treated with fire retardant coatings. A damper was also installed in the return ducting to prevent smoke from reentering the facility.
The supervisor cited longer filter life as their greatest improvement since the installation of the unit and the filters. The fires in the unit also ceased. The collector was installed in August 2011 and two years later—July 2013—the filters were replaced. The supervisor added, “Filters needed to be changed every six months, if not sooner [with the previous collector].”
When asked if he would suggest the Gold Series solution to another company, the supervisor answered, “It’s a better system. The company that put it in, the teamwork, the way it collects the dust now is superior to the way it was.” He continued, “It’s easy to work with as well. My guys enjoy working with this more than the one we used to have,” referring to the ease of maintenance and filter changeout process.