West Texas Lee Company, Inc. (WTL), a company that produces agriculture equipment and sprayers, attended a trade show in 2007 and discovered the AKS Accu-Kut plasma table. WTL purchased a unit for their operation and AKS suggested Camfil APC fume and dust collection products to work together with the plasma table. The agricultural company was faced with either making a homemade collector or use Camfil APC Gold Series.
Initially, the table’s collector would be replacing an old cotton gin fan, which pushed most of the dust outside of the building. A GS8 Gold Series® industrial dust collector was incorporated into the production process in January of 2008. Shortly after the installation of the GS8, WTL was visited by the EPA. Upon seeing the GS8, the EPA did not require a test of the collector. Says WTL’s representative, “The money we saved from citations because we decided not to have a homemade unit paid for our GS8.”
To date, the GS8 has not had a filter replaced, even though the plasma table associated with it uses plasma to cut steel. The collection barrels have yet to be emptied, and the installation of the GS8 has been in place since January of 2008.