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A Government-Affiliated Agency
Abrasive Blasting
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A government-affiliated agency needed a unit for a blasting operation that lacked a dust collector. The blasting application consists of blasting plastics, sponge rubber, and garnet with grit. The agency’s maintenance department initially made contact with Camfil APC through a trade magazine.

GS96 Cartridge Access Door Platform
Scot Soncrant, Camfil APC sales representative for Air Improvement Resources, Inc., worked with the agency’s maintenance department to determine which Farr Gold Series industrial dust collector would work best for this blasting application. A demonstration unit was brought on a trailer to the agency and the maintenance department discovered that the Camfil APC product offered ease of maintenance. Soncrant helped develop the specs for the custom unit. The unit now has no internal bearings on the auger for dust disposal. It has an abrasion resistant inlet and Rhino-lined baffles.
The new unit also includes a catwalk that takes into account a future Farr Gold Series unit addition, thus the catwalk has been made extra wide with a common walkway area. Along with the catwalk, a monorail system was designed and installed to lift cartridges up and down the catwalk. A quick changeout for the exhaust fan was planned, and it is forklift friendly. An extra fan was ordered and can replace the current one in three hours to minimize downtime. Other collectors on-site include three Wheelabrator units and two Torit collectors. The Torits are currently retro-fitted with Camfil APC filters. The maintenance department expects to replace the Torits soon, and the specs for the newest collector on-site were written to be favorable to Camfil APC products.

GS96 on blasting grit, garnet, plastic and sponge rubber