Is Your Factory Safe from a Dust Collector Explosion?
There is a real danger of combustible dust explosions in many factories and processing facilities. Your facility and employees could be at risk. Many types of of dust are combustible, including food ingredients (sugar, spice, starch, flour, grain), metals (magnesium, aluminum, chromium, iron, zinc), paper, pulp, plastics, textiles, biosolids, wood, rubber, dyes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and even soap.
OSHA, ATEX and NFPA expect you to be compliant with government regulations, and our experts are ready to help with your dust hazard analysis and combustible dust mitigation.
The Chemical Safety Board (CSB) has released the video above, “Combustible Dust: An Insidious Hazard.” This is an excellent video featuring three outstanding animations of major dust accidents and showing the need for comprehensive standard and improved safety practices.
Camfil APC can help solve your combustible dust problems
- Farr Gold Series® Dust Collectors that are built to your requirements and shipped quickly. These collectors exceed the new OSHA mandates for indoor air quality in factories.
- Explosion vents are manufactured in accordance with NFPA and ATEX standards.
- Complete technical and engineering support
- A fully equipped test lab that provides bench dust testing and ASHRAE Standard 199 testing
- Distributors trained in OSHA and NFPA compliance
- HemiPleat® fire-retardant filter cartridges use a high-quality uniform pleat pack, establishing the superiority of this cartridge over all other products in the market.
Here is another CSB safety video about a fatal combustible dust explosion at the AL Solutions metal recycling facility in New Cumberland, West Virginia. On December 9, 2010, an accident occurred at this facility where they mill and process scrap titanium and zirconium metal, killing three employees and injuring a contractor.
Let us help you
- Camfil APC's Analysis of NFPA 68 Standard on Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting
- How to Make Sure Your Dust Collection System Complies with Combustible Dust Standards
- Camfil APC Capabilities Brochure