Case Study Details
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Rubber grinding machine
Gold Series® dust collector
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Michelin, based in Clermont-Ferrand in the Auvergne region of France, is one of the world’s largest tire manufacturers, with manufacturing plants in France, Germany, USA, United Kingdom and many other countries worldwide.
At their research and development center in France, Michelin developed a new machine to remove defective tires from the production line and reprocess them to meet their high-quality standards.
Part of this process involves a grinding belt that generates large amounts of rubber dust for which Michelin required a solution.
As these new reprocessing machines will be installed in various countries, Michelin’s requirement was for a high-performance dust collector that was simple to install and simple to maintain.

Farr Gold Series dust collector shown with flameless venting system.
The technological innovations and competitive pricing of the Farr Gold Series dust collector convinced Michelin to place an order with Camfil APC rather than their usual suppliers.
The system incorporates a GS02 ATEX dust collector complete with flame quench flameless venting, a control panel and ducting system.
The installation was completed in December 2010 and fully meets the customer’s requirements. Camfil APC has now been selected to supply 7 more systems as the new machines are installed in other factories around the world. The success of the system has also prompted inquiries for more information from other departments within Michelin.